African Sunset

African Sunset

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We're here, Uganda!

June 17th, 2011

Africa is beautiful.
It’s been a few stressful days of travelling with all our baggage.

Sarah and I had a nice layover in London for 11 hours. We left our luggage at the Heathrow airport for a fee. Then we took our day packs and crossed the British customs, exchanged some euros, and hopped on the Underground tube on the Piccadilly line to Covent Gardens. A day of exploring:)
England is beautiful too. All the historic buildings are so characteristic and intricately designed. Every street and corner reminded me of Mr. Bean movies. Every rugged looking structure wrapped in vines was like a scene from Harry Potter. We ran around the city with a map in hand and a camera, and we somehow managed to touch all the major tourist sites and get back to the airport in time within the allotted time. 

The days and months leading up to this missions trip, I was bombarded with questions of “are you ready?” or “are you excited?”. But even getting 7 bottles of bugspray, 3 bottles of sunscreen, and enough packets of tissue to last me a year (and packing suitcases with Mom for days), or attending the intern training did not necessarily make me “ready” for what Africa had to offer. I believe this trip however, will equip me for a bigger adventure, and prepare me for His call to the field.
As we flew over the African terrain after a 9 hour flight, my excitement finally built. Seeing the lush green physical geography was breathtaking. It’s more beautiful than National Geographic pictures. And I was just beheld by what this country might have to offer, and how God will change me and use me.

We are staying in the ARA (American Recreation Association) where everything is catered to your "American" from treadmills to Philly Cheese Steaks. Tomorrow we take an early flight on a small 6-seater bush plane to Bundibugyo! Can't wait! Please continue to pray. Will update once we arrive at our final destination!

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