African Sunset

African Sunset

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A weekend in the mountaintops.

An exciting weekend was laid out before Sarah and I.
Yesterday, we hiked a good 50 minutes along the main dirt road in the blazing sun and through the lush green rainforest, winding up the Ruwenzori Mountain Range. We followed Jacqueline, a student at Christ School Bundibugyo (a boarding school across from the mission), to her home, highly elevated above Bundibugyo and on top of the mountains. Her family kindly hosted us, and gave us a modest sized room in their mud-house home. Her mother, Rosemary, whom we also called, Mama, cooked us delicious Ugandan dishes for dinner last night, then breakfast this morning, and finally lunch after church today. Jackie has 6 siblings, and they were all adorable and such a delight to get to know!
This morning, we went to their Anglican church in their mountaintop village, Bundikakemba. As we entered the back door of the church (late of course! Never show up on time to an African service), everyone had their heads turned and for the duration of the service, they could not stop staring. African services are often long, but we really enjoyed the singing and dancing!
It was such a blessing to get a glimpse and taste of the village community lifestyle. In their poverty, they certainly have richness. 

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