African Sunset

African Sunset

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Home sweet home.

I never thought I would feel so much at home in a foreign country before.
I didn't even think I could call this place home.

But after a week of being on the road, moving from place to place, meeting an assortment of people, I felt so frazzled and restrained by not being able to speak the language I spent 3 weeks learning. I tried my olayo's and webale's. But nobody understood my words of gratitude or friendliness.

Now that we're back in Nyahuka, Bundibugyo, it felt so freeing to be able to say a simple thank-you or how-are-you to any person, and they would acknowledge! It felt nice to be back at the mission, in a rustic home, that most middle-class North Americans would consider musty, dusty, and unbearable.

Who knew? that I could call a foreign place home after 3 weeks of living & learning the language.

Urgent Prayer Request:
-Our fearless leader, Travis Johnson, is extremely ill. He has been febrile, vomiting, having diarrhea, and feeling so weak, he cannot get out of bed currently. We have notified another doctor who works for WHM (Scott Myhre) and lives in Kenya, to see the best possible solution. We may have to take him to the best nearest hospital. Please pray for his health, stamina, and recovery from whatever that's attacking his system!

-As a result of his absence, Sarah & I will have to pursue the overwhelming task of re-organizing the entire health records system and train the staff by holding a presentation this Friday, on our own. We pray & hope all will work out, as many things must be done before this takes place! Pray for staff motivation and attendance to the CME (Continuing Medical Education) meetings!

Thanks for being prayer warriors! It is definitely powerful and sustaining us.

I would LOVE to post pictures of my journey...unfortunately internet is too slow and too expensive to post pictures. I'll try though!!

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