African Sunset

African Sunset

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prayer requests

Thanks for being a warrior!
  1. Chrissy Chipriano. Her plan was to serve in Bundi for 2 years. It was in all our plans to have her be the intern co-ordinator for Sarah & I, and work closely with us on the field. Unfortunately, shortly before our departure from North America to Uganda, she had to return to the U.S. for the removal of her thyroid due to thyroid cancer. We miss her dearly and have felt her absence throughout our hectic/chaotic internship without her organization. Please PRAY for her health right now as they have removed her thyroid, and her body is being forced to operate without a regulator of hormones. Soon, she will undergo treatment that will keep her body under control. Please PRAY for the days she’s waiting at home to be recovered, as we are expecting her to return to Bundibugyo sometime in October. PRAY that His glory will be revealed in all of this.
  2. Amina, our new friend here in Bundi, was raised in a muslim family, but has been accepted into the Christ School Bundibugyo family and accepted Christ as her personal Saviour. She has been a Christian for some time but her mother did not know. She just recently notified her mother of her new life and her mother did not approve at all. In fact, we received a text msg from her saying that her mother disowned her and does not want her to return home anymore. Please pray for reconciliation and that there will be understanding between Amina and her mother. 
  3. Staff at the Nyahuka Health Centre. Nurses, lab technicians, clinical officers, and all staff are government positions, which means they are being paid a set salary that pays regardless of their attendance. They are paid even if they don’t show up to work, or they are expected to work even if their paycheck has not arrived in 4 months (since we live in a remote area, it is uncertain if the paycheck will ever arrive). Because of this, we have staff who are unreliable, not kept accountable, and do not do their jobs. Pray for motivation and passion for people in the hearts of medical staff. We have an incredibly high rate of malnutrition and Sick Cell trait. They need the medical attention.
  4. Please pray for Sarah and I as we travel from Bundibugyo to Kampala early Saturday morning, where we will spend 2 days before we travel to Entebbe, then to London where we will spend 1 hour and 5 minutes. Please pray that flights will be on time so we don’t miss our connecting flight to Philadelphia in the short layover. We will spend 2 days in Philadelphia where the rest of the interns join us from other parts of the world for a debrief. On Thursday, August 10th, Lord willing, I hope to be home in Toronto and Sarah will be home in Greenville, South Carolina. Pray for safe and smooth travels!

Thanks for praying!

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