African Sunset

African Sunset

Monday, August 8, 2011


Goodbyes are never easy. That’s why I like to say “see you later” instead.
Nkukubonna buke.
I remember Pastor Craig Pitts (from Glad Tidings Church, Sudbury) used to say, if you’re both believers in Christ, it’s never a goodbye, but a ‘see you later’ or ‘soon’ (in heaven, if not in this lifetime!).
Our girls: Amina, Me, Sarah, Grace, Annet
We had a goodbye party last Thursday with Ugandan food, an amazing slideshow (by Anna) of our trip’s highlights, and some of our closest & most precious Ugandan friends present. We sang songs the African way, played some games, and just enjoyed each other’s company.

Vincent, our beloved language teacher HAND-made Sarah & I sling-shots and banana-leaf footballs!

Sarah and I were both SHOWERED by gifts, cards, and handwritten love letters from all our Ugandan friends. It was definitely unexpected! I didn’t realize how deep of a relationship we had built with these people for two months, until our last days.
Saying goodbye to all the kids that show up at our doorstep DAILY for "shading" (in colouring books) and Tutex (nail polish, which they LOVE). Also, notice the stickers all over their faces (they love stickers!)

I guess I was selfish in thinking that my time here was short, and I have longer lasting friendships to return to in Canada, and that no one will really miss me when I leave. But we received the most unexpected gifts from people who greatly appreciated our time with them...and most of them anticipate our return someday. 
And in many ways, I have felt selfish for only giving these people 2 months of my time and then leaving. Will I ever return? 
My current calling is to finish Nursing School in the next couple years. And after my summer experience abroad, I’m still open to where He may call me overseas one day.
When David came to pick us up Saturday morning at 7:30 AM, the whole team rolled out of bed still in PJs to send us off. In a team of Americans, sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever see them again. Since they all live somewhat close together in the U.S., Sarah is planning to meet up with them whenever the team goes back to America. So they all said, “I’ll see you again sometime” to each other as they hugged. 
But when Amy Johnson gave me a hug, I just said, “well okay, I guess I’ll see you in heaven then”. 
But she laughs and says in return, with the slightest bit of hope in her eyes, “no, I think you’ll be back”.
Oh, the possibilities...of where He might lead me.
I’m kind of excited for the upcoming school year. 
The team & our recent visitors: Nathan & Sarah Elwood, Randy & Rachel (Anna's siblings)

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