African Sunset

African Sunset

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Call to Answer: hello.

3 weeks left until the Internship Orientation in Philadelphia.
3 days after that, our flight to Uganda.

Spring is finally here. 
The grass is green. The branches are adorned with full-bodied leafy greens. The Dandy-lions are sprouting. And my Dad responds to this sudden weather change by demanding that I start doing some housework, i.e. digging up/de-rooting the innocent, little yellow flowers (of course I argue first, that I think they look beautiful on our lawn).

God has truly blessed the ones who are faithful to His calling. Reading through the Old Testament, there's proof from so many past lives in history, of people whose lives were being filled, where battles were won because of their faith & obedience to calling. 

After attending my home church's (Logos Baptist Church) retreat this past long weekend, it seemed God chose the perfect speaker to move, compel, and deeply challenge our congregation. Personally, the whole weekend felt catered to my current situation. What better way to speak to Olvie than send a speaker who just returned from Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda? Who spoke about missions all weekend long? It was definitely a knock at our door. And my personal door.

Certainly, the focus of our church, being the "missional church" has united all three congregations: the Chinese-speaking, the English-speaking, the Children. I am experiencing this unity by the support they have all demonstrated. Yesterday, the kids surprised me by setting up a booth, asking people to purchase children hair accessories, stationary, and little toys, so that I may take it to Uganda for the children I will be working with! Who can say "no" to adorable little kids who try to barter with you? The Chinese congregation also asked me to share on stage this sunday about my trip, and they have a mission prayer meeting next tuesday as well for me. 

By His provision, meeting my $5 000 fundraising goal for May 1st, was not an obstacle. Funds came in from everywhere. Support and prayers poured in from people I have never met, nor had a single conversation with before. 

I'm eternally grateful, but I also had faith that He who holds all things together, who is All-Powerful, who is My Provider, would make a way.

He calls all of us. He chose all of us. 

"In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory"- Ephesians 1:11-13

And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken, to be your hands and feet. 
And I will give with the life that I've been given, and go beyond religion to see the world be changed.
-The Power of Your Name, by Lincoln Brewster & Mia Fieldes

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